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Volunteer Opportunity

We invite you all to be a part of Sevarth Mission and help us reach our goals. We believe in that the more, merrier hence we ask people be it youth, old, middle age or anyone who can help us even a little more to manifest our goals will be appreciated.


You can help us through various means not just the field work :

  • You can help us maintain our social media pages. You can form groups, manage help or even chat rooms where in you can provide information regarding wo need our help and who can help us.

  • You can give your own idea regarding the new drive or campaign that will fall under the list of our missions.

  • You help us run our online campaigns.

  • Planning out our missions. 


As a volunteer there are a lot more you can help us with apart from the field work. The arenas through which we can help people has expanded a lot in last 5 years. Our means are not limited to the laborious work of travelling but it can be done through the click of a button.

 In order to be our volunteers all you have to do is visit our website and fill the form available there.

For your commendable work you will receive a certificate from our end as a token of appreciation.

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